Predictions by Haji Ghulam Mustafa Chughtai (Tailor Master)


Published on 22, August 2010 in Sunday Magazine of Nawa-i-Waqt


  1. Alama Iqbal far matae haen rulata hae taera nazara ae hindustan mujhko kae ibrat khaez hae taera fasana sub fasano maen
    taasub chor nadaan dahir kae Aainah khanae maen yae tasweeraen haen taeri jin ko samjha hae bura tonae

    shab guraeza hogi Aakhir jalwah e khursheed sae yae chaman maamoor hoga nagmah e tuoheed sae ISHAALLAH

  2. Many of the above predictions proved false. Pervez Musharraf came again to Pakistan, while the prediction was that he will never come back.

    Nawaz Sharif became prime minister, while the prediction was he will not become prime minister.

    Nawaz Shaif & Chaudhry Brothers still hate each other, while the prediction was they will make the new government togetherIIIII

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